A game of reading, speaking and communication
Fonodil is a very good resource to stimulate reading that allows individual and collective play. An imaginative and entertaining material that reinforces the learning of reading and facilitates communicative interaction. In addition, it facilitates the re-education of articulation disorders (dyslalia, dysglossia,…).
Fonodil 1 offers various possibilities of use, depending on the context in which it is intended to be used:
- For younger children (early childhood education stage): it provides a playful activity that promotes the articulation of words and stimulates the structuring and semantic competence.
- For older children (primary school stage): promotes and reinforces formal literacy learning.
- For use in the family setting, it facilitates communicative interaction with parents through play.
The kit includes 19 rigid cardboard boards of 42 x 30 centimeters, 4 cups, 4 dice, 4 tokens and 1 didactic guide.