Portada » Juguetes terapéuticos

Showing 1–36 of 386 results

Loto – La casa

10,25  (VAT not included)

¿Sabes que tenemos en casa?

Divertido juego de mesa, que consiste en encontrar las fichas de los elementos de casa que tenemos en nuestra plantilla de referencia.

  • Juego para que los más peques de casa puedan desarrollar la capacidad de observación y atención.
  • Muy adecuado para fomentar la concentración, estimular la memoria, entre otras habilidades.
  • Presentado en una bonita caja de cartón rígida ideal para su almacenaje.
Contiene: 30 Piezas + 5 Plantillas.  Medidas: 14,5 x 14,5 x 14,5 cm.

Puzzle dúo Sombras

7,90  (VAT not included)

Encuentra mi sombra

Puzzle duo Ombres es un puzzle educativo en el que el niño debe asociar animales de colores con su sombra.

  • Un primer juego de asociación sencillo y divertido muy adecuado para desarrollar  la observación.
  • El puzzle permite la autocorrección: solo las piezas correctas forman un puzle perfecto.
  • Con una caja colorida, fácil y divertida de transportar con su cordón.

Producto de papel y cartón certificado FSC®. Contenido: 12 puzles de 2 piezas. Edad: A partir de 2 años.

Puzzle dúo A comer!

7,90  (VAT not included)

Mi primer puzzle de asociación

Puzzle Duo À table es un puzle lúdico para los más pequeños sobre el tema de la alimentación de los animales.

  • Juego ideal para que el niño asocia cada animal con su comida.
  • Un primer juego de asociación sencillo y divertido.
  • El puzzle permite la autocorrección: solo las piezas correctas forman un puzle perfecto.

Una caja colorida, fácil de transportar gracias a su cordón contiene: 10 puzles de 2 piezas. Edad: A partir de 24 meses

Puzzle dúo Contrarios

7,90  (VAT not included)

¿Conoces el opuesto?

Con estos primeros puzzles de asociación, los más pequeños de la casa deberán asociar una imagen con su opuesto.
  • Primer juego de asociación sencillo y divertido.
  •  Incluye:
    • 12 puzzles de 2 piezas.
    • Caja colorida, fácil de transportar gracias a su cordón.
  • Ilustraciones preciosas y sugerentes.
  • Ideal para entender las nociones de los opuestos y acercar a los niños y niñas a sencillos conceptos.
  • Permiten la autocorrección.
  • Edad recomendada: a partir de 24 meses.

Sensory Bottle – Move Bottle Duck

13,50  (VAT not included)

Get into the water and discover the ducks!

Mommy duck takes a dip and plays with her beach ball. Can you see her ducklings diving underwater?

This sensory bottle contains a liquid of floating effect that will love the little ones. Every time the bottle is shaken… the journey begins! Different elements begin to float with the change in density of the liquid, in a bubble-filled daydream that captures your imagination and helps you feel relaxed.

Sensory bottles are a great resource for:
  • Promote calmness.
  • Discover a universe full of stimuli.
  • Activate the visual sense and emotions.
  • Develop knowledge of the environment, introduce new vocabulary...

Dimensions of each bottle: 14cm x 4 cm.

Do not immerse in water or expose to the sun for long hours, for hygiene we recommend using a specific hygiene wipe or damp cloth.

Puzzle evolutivo – La jungla

9,75  (VAT not included)

Aprendo a hacer puzzles,... ¡a mi ritmo!

Puzzle Primo «Dans la jungle» es un estuche que contiene 4 puzzles evolutivos de siluetas de animales de la selva.

  • De dificultad creciente en función de las piezas. Un león de 3 piezas, una cebra de 4 piezas, un elefante de 5 piezas y una jirafa de 6 piezas.
  • Pensados especialmente para los más pequeños a partir de 2 años.
  • Ideal para que el niño pueda avanzar a su ritmo en función del número de piezas.
  • Con piezas grandes, de cartón grueso, y fáciles de agarrar.

Contenido: 4 puzzles de siluetas de 3, 4, 5 y 6 piezas. Edad: A partir de 24 meses

Puzzle evolutivo – Honoré & amigos

16,90  (VAT not included)

Unos puzzles evolutivos, de animales y ¡gigantes!

«Honoré et ses amis» es un estuche que incluye 6 puzzles gigantes evolutivos de siluetas de 9, 12 y 15 piezas.

  • Para construir y conocer los distintos animales de la granja: gallina, pato, perro, oveja, cerdo y vaca.
  • Después de montarlos, se pueden superponer para crear una gran pirámide de 1,40 m.
  • Estos puzles están pensados especialmente para los más pequeños a partir de 3 años.
  • Ideal para que el niño avanza a su ritmo en función del número de piezas de cada puzzle.
  • Piezas grandes, de cartón grueso, fáciles de agarrar.
  • Con tarjetas modelo para ayudar al niño a reconstruir los puzzles.

Contenido: 6 puzzles gigantes de 9, 12 y 15 piezas y 6 tarjetas modelo.

Edad: A partir de 3 años.

Animales enroscables madera – Vis-animo

18,10  (VAT not included)

Los animales,... ¡nos enseñan a enroscar!

¡Un juego de montaje para componer 4 animales de madera (pato, vaca, conejo y gato)!

  • Un tornillo con la forma de la cabeza de un animal y el cuerpo y la base del mismo color para atornillar.
  • Aprende a juntar las piezas enroscándolas  y luego juega con los animales.
  • Una actividad muy adecuada para desarrollar la motricidad fina y optimizar la coordinación óculo-manual.
  • Además permite aprender a asociar los colores entre sí.

Contenido: 12 piezas de madera para enroscar.

Edad: A partir de 18 meses

Puzzle animales magnético – Inzebox

19,90  (VAT not included)

Creando animales divertidos y ¡magnéticos!

Inzebox es un puzzle para jugar con imanes de madera en una caja de metal y divertirse creando un león, una mariposa, un loro, una rana ¡o mucho más!

  • Un divertido y práctico juego de combinaciones con imanes ¡para imaginar mil y un animales divertidos!
  • Las piezas de madera texturadas e imantadas podrán colocarse en los dos lados de la caja.
  • Piezas adaptadas a los más pequeños para jugar a partir de los 2 años.

Contenido: 1 caja de metal para transportar,  con forma de animal y 34 piezas de madera magnéticas.

Edad: A partir de 2 años. Anchura del producto : 14 cm Altura del producto : 20 cm Profundidad del producto : 6 cm

Libro de baño – Marionetas

13,20  (VAT not included)

El fondo marino en tus dedos.

Este completo juguete de baño incluye 5 divertidas marionetas de dedo y el libro de despertar "Los novios del mar", que ilustra la divertida historia de los animales marinos. Con este material aprenderemos divirtiéndonos, ya que podremos compartir una hermosa historia a través de un libro, dar vida a los personajes del cuento y prepararse para inventar otras historias extraordinarias. 
  • Incluye:
    • 5 títeres de dedo de PVC blando: tiburón, caballito de mar, medusa, raya y pingüino (4 x 6 x 4 cm).
    • 1 libro blando de 6 páginas (20 x 20 x 2 cm).
  • Ideal para trabajar la reflexión, las habilidades motoras finas, el descubrimiento, etc.
  • Permiten al bebé comprender mejor el mundo que lo rodea.
  • Edad recomendada: + 10 meses.
  • Higiénico y hecho de plástico suave. Resistentes a los pinchazos y al agua.
  • Consejos de uso: drene los juguetes después de su uso y enjuague/lave con agua limpia regularmente.

Aqua Game Mural – Circuito de agua

11,50  (VAT not included)

¡Diversión en el agua!

Este dispositivo es un circuito de agua divertido que se adhiere a las paredes de la bañera o de la piscina gracias a las ventosas.

  • El agua insertada por arriba fluye, van saliendo chorritos por los agujeros y hace girar el molino.
  • Un juego simple que estimula la relación causa-consecuencia, una de las bases más iniciales del juego.
  • Ideal como primeros juegos acuáticos.

Edad: A partir de 10 meses. Medidas producto: 21,5x22,5x6cm


Estuche de baño – Pingüino

16,75  (VAT not included)

¿Chapoteamos con los pingüinos?

Este divertido juego de baño, compuesto por un pingüino con un molino de agua y vasos apilables con dibujos,  estimulan la imaginación y la destreza de los más pequeños.

  • Juguete especialmente diseñado para el agua y para convertirse en un aliado en la piscina o en el baño.
  • Se puede pegar a la paret de la piscina, a la bañera o lo azulejos del baño con las ventosas.
  • Cuando el peque vierte el agua en alguna parte del mecanismo, el animalito soltará el agua por el pico accionando todo el mecanismo de ruedas y vasos que incluye.
  • El estuche incluye: vasos perforados para llenar de agua y 3 simpáticos pingüinos encajables.
Tamaño: 21 x 6.5 x 22 cm.(pingüino grande) Composición 100% PVC. Edad:A partir de 10 m

Colorful rain tube

Sold out (VAT not included)
What does rain sound like? With this wooden tube, children can imitate the sounds of rain and listen to its

Rainbow stacking tower

13,90  (VAT not included)
A rainbow to stack and fit together! This wooden stacking tower is a modernized classic that has become very trendy

Baby Flashcards – Montessori

9,90  (VAT not included)

My first cards to understand and express

Sturdy and original cards because they are made with special interlocking shapes, Baby Flashcards allow the introduction of new concepts such as names, sounds, numbers, shapes, colors, etc... through various sensory channels and are based on the Montessori method.

  • Promote listening and comprehension of first words and other concepts
  • They promote linguistic skills and the first processes of abstraction.
  • They stimulate tactile sensitivity, visual perception, sound imitation and lexical development.

My home – Montessori

12,50  (VAT not included)

Wow, what a great house!

With this maxi-game, children get to know the rooms of the house, identify the cut-out objects, recognize the shape and place them in the correct position.
  • 30 profiled objects related to the environments to which they belong (5 for each environment)
  • Ideal for fostering independence, personal identity and autonomy.
  • 6 illustrated cards with the rooms of the house: kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom, terrace, attic. 30 profiled objects related to the environments to which they belong (5 for each environment)
  • From 2 years old.

Stackable tower – Silicone stars

10,60  (VAT not included)

Full color silicone stars

This stackable star-shaped tower is a toy for toddlers from 0 months.

  • 6 rings in the shape of stars, stackable from highest to lowest or upside down.
  • Made of 100% high quality food grade silicone
  • Contributes to the development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, learning colors,...
  • Training logic, thinking and problem solving from infancy.
  • Available in pastel colours (pink) or primary colours (red).

Made of high quality BPA-free silicone, easy to clean with soap and water.

Montessori alphabet – tactile

9,90  (VAT not included)
Through the sense of touch, the child can train the recognition and spelling of letters. The matching of the graphemes

Multifunctional whiteboard

17,20  (VAT not included)

Which face do you choose?

A versatile wooden board offers us its 2 best sides: on one side it is a magnetic board to write with erasable marker and on the other side it is a chalk board. In addition, several accessories located at the bottom will allow us to understand and practice mathematical concepts, learn the hours, build figures with the geometric puzzle, ... in short, play, have fun and learn!

Includes 24 pieces. Recommended for ages 3 and up.


Car track with parking

Sold out (VAT not included)

My first wooden car track!

This wooden car track is a real fun factor in small spaces. The four large, sturdy wooden cars speed down the colorful plastic tracks to be put back on again from the beginning. Fun is guaranteed while you train your psychomotor skills!

Rainbow construction pieces – small

10,75  (VAT not included)
Have you placed the sequence correctly? These sturdy wooden arches in the cheerful colors of the rainbow are a simple

Dobble Connect

13,15  (VAT not included)

Un Dobble para ¡conectar!

 En Dobble Connect tendrás que:

  • Nombrar lo más deprisa posible el símbolo que tiene en común con alguna de las cartas ya colocadas.
  • Si además, conectas 4 cartas de tu color podrás ganar la ronda y si gana varias rondas, ganarás la partida.
  • Tendrás que darte prisa y no perder de vista a los demás equipos para bloquearlos con tus cartas antes de que ellos hagan lo mismo contigo.
  • Ideal para entrenar tu percepción visual, la atención sostenida, la capacidad de reacción, la agilidad y la rapidez. 

My city – Montessori

12,00  (VAT not included)

Build this cheerful city and have fun!

This game, in addition to helping us discover the city, recognize the places in the community, distinguish roles and professions, develop civic sense, etc., is an ideal resource to promote language.
  • It fosters the skills of: telling; describing an event; sharing and relating to others; listening; managing emotions; training memory; developing imagination.
  • Contents: 6 city folders, 40 cards.
  • Other accessories: high quality material.

Wooden mathematical game

Sold out (VAT not included)

My first mathematical game

Nice wooden toy, compact and lightweight design, containing numbers, geometric shapes and counting blocks to facilitate number recognition, calculation and logical thinking skills with the youngest children.

Includes 76 pieces. Recommended for ages 3 and up. Available in two models or colors: Rainbow and/or pastel.


Fine motor skills game wooden balls

15,85  (VAT not included)

Be careful not to lose the ball along the way!

An attractive game, which consists of placing the colored balls on the panel to create multiple and varied shapes. The exact placement of the balls following the template, with the help of the tweezers, will require much more precision, attention and dexterity to achieve our goal. An interesting game to focus the attention while we train the realization of the tweezers and favor the oculo-manual coordination.

Ideal game to learn shapes, colors and to learn to count. Material: Wood. Includes 89 pieces of different colors, tweezers, sorting containers, templates with drawings and wooden panel. 89 pieces of different colors included. From 3 years old.

Construction set – Minimundos

13,21  (VAT not included)

Pieces, imagination,... and here we have an exciting mini-world!

Mini-worlds are very attractive environments that allow you to recreate moments of your daily life or real scenarios but on a small scale to encourage expression and free play.

  • They allow construction games, scientific knowledge, social relations, imagination and fantasy, symbolic games...
  • They promote imagination, creativity, vocabulary building, fine motor skills, sensory learning...
  • From 3 years old.
  • Different models available: wooden elements (19 pieces), trees (6 pieces) and houses (5 pieces).

Mini wooden dolls

17,20 19,90  (VAT not included)

Figures for my mini-world

Precious figures of solid beech wood and twelve colors very useful to encourage communication, talk about families, feelings and / or emotions.

  • Ideal for creating imaginative scenes, encouraging construction, counting and sorting, stacking, and sequencing
  • Can be included in any loose parts collection, treasure chest or combined with heuristic play resources.

Material: Wood. From 12 months old. Available in 2 different models: with bowls (includes 6 dolls and 6 bowls) or without bowls (includes 12 dolls).

Stackable stars

13,65  (VAT not included)

An original set of stackable lace

Set of 5 stars, made of 100% non-toxic plastic, in attractive pastel colors, which allow them to be stacked or for children to develop their creativity and awaken their imagination by creating figures.
  • Material: plastic
  • Includes 5 stars of different sizes
  • BPA and phthalate free
  • Helps improve fine motor skills
  • From 6 months

Wooden chromatic circle

13,25  (VAT not included)

It includes a card with several models to build.

Interesting wooden circle, formed by pieces, to understand and find the chromatic order of colors. You can create infinite patterns from the combination of different pieces and colors. Perfect to stimulate creativity and imagination.


Sensory Bottle – Turquoise

10,90  (VAT not included)

Like the sea, immense and relaxing!

Light, color and magic. Curious bottles, inspired by the chromatic range of nature, in which the liquid suspended in gel awakens visual interest and allows children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...! Ideal for multisensory or Montessori corner.

Sensory bottle – Fluorescent pink

10,90  (VAT not included)

Light, color and magic.

These curious bottles, which contain the liquid suspended in gel, awakens visual interest and allow children to discover the colours. Just load them into a natural light source or black light, take them to a dark place and. . . Use them with light tables for a magical effect. When the bottles are rotated, the elements contained in them descend and are mobilized, creating a visual sensory stimulus that enriches the cognitive system.

  • It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...!
  • Interesting element to enrich a multisensory or Montessori corner.
  • They convey calm.
  • They allow you to discover a universe full of stimuli.
  • They activate the visual sense and emotions.

Dimensions of each bottle: 14cm x 4 cm.

Do not immerse in water or expose to the sun for long hours, for hygiene we recommend using a specific hygiene wipe or damp cloth.

Sensory bottle – Silver

10,50  (VAT not included)

Silver and glitter!

Light, color and magic. Curious bottles, inspired by the chromatic range of nature, in which the liquid suspended in gel awakens visual interest and allows children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...! Ideal for multisensory or Montessori corner.

Sensory Bottle – Turmeric Orange

10,90  (VAT not included)

The most sensorial and relaxing rainbow!

Light, color and magic. Curious bottles, inspired by the chromatic range of nature, in which the liquid suspended in gel awakens visual interest and allows children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...! Ideal for multisensory or Montessori corner.

Sensory Bottle – Flamingo

14,50  (VAT not included)

An authentic flamenco for children's curiosity!

Light, color and magic. With this curious bottle, it's time to relax on this tropical island. Deserted? Not so fast... Among the sand and the colorful landscape we will find many surprises..., including a winged character. A microcosm in each bottle. In each of the Spy Bottles, we recreate a natural environment, with animals that will become the protagonists of your children's imagination.

They will enjoy identifying the animals, imitating them, telling them, creating stories and tales or learning about the different ecosystems.

Includes booklet with suggestions for activities especially recommended for children 18 months and older.

Dimensions of each bottle: 14 x 4 cm.

Sensory Bottle – Fluorescent Yellow

10,90  (VAT not included)

It's showtime!

These curious bottles, which contain the liquid suspended in gel, awakens visual interest and allow children to discover the colours. Just load them into a natural light source or black light, take them to a dark place and. . . Use them with light tables for a magical effect. When the bottles are rotated, the elements contained in them descend and are mobilized, creating a visual sensory stimulus that enriches the cognitive system.

  • It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...!
  • Interesting element to enrich a multisensory or Montessori corner.
  • They convey calm.
  • They allow you to discover a universe full of stimuli.
  • They activate the visual sense and emotions.

Dimensions of each bottle: 14cm x 4 cm.

Do not immerse in water or expose to the sun for long hours, for hygiene we recommend using a specific hygiene wipe or damp cloth.


Pre-writing multisensory tray

15,90 20,75  (VAT not included)

Write in the sand.

Multi-sensory tray to develop pre-writing and eye-hand coordination, through the creative representation of figures through touch.
  • Inspired by the Montessori methodology.
  • Includes:
    • Wooden tray.
    • 3 bags of 400 g of sand.
    • 1 White slate marker.
    • 3 chalks.
    • 1 eraser.
    • 1 sand planer.
  • Available small and large size.