Portada » MULTISENSORY STIMULATION » Los 5 sentidos

Showing 1–36 of 93 results

Tactilo loto granja

27,20  (VAT not included)

¡Prohibido abrir los ojos!

Tactilo Loto Granja es un juego lúdico y táctil para toda la familia para reconocer los objetos y sus cualidades mediante el tacto.

  • Con una ruleta que indica lo que hay que localizar:  una fruta, un insecto, un animal, un vegetal o un accesorio según lo que indique la flecha.
  • Con figuras esculpidas que contienen  muchos detalles para reconocerlas mejor.
  • Para introducir a los más pequeños en los juegos con reglas y desarrollar el lenguaje expresivo oral (texturas, tamaños y en la temática de la granja).

Contenido: 15 figuritas de plástico blando (conejo, oveja, gallina, abeja, mariquita, mariposa, cubo, carretilla, regadera, ensalada, rábano, zanahoria, uva, pera y cereza), 1 ruleta, 1 bolsa de tela. Edad: A partir de 3 años

Memory táctil Sensory

24,75  (VAT not included)

¡Siente, recuerda y empareja!

Este memo táctil, ergonómico, es un moderno juego sensorial  de colores y mucha madera. Un juego táctil de alta calidad, que no debería faltar en el surtido de juguetes sensoriales y educativos de tu casa o consulta.

  • Memo de madera de alta calidad compuesto por 14 pares (28 piezas)
  • Memo táctil variado en el que hay que encontrar pares idénticos comparando diferentes superficies
  • Con diferentes materiales, formas y estructuras para sentir y con diferentes colores de las superficies para jugar también con el sentido de la vista
  • Apto para personas con discapacidad visual.
  • El tamaño de las fichas de madera y la tapa sobresaliente facilitan el agarre.
  • Entrena el sentido del tacto y promueve la concentración y la memoria de forma lúdica
  • Se puede jugar en distintos niveles de dificultad así como también en solitario o con varios jugadores

XXL multisensory pre-writing tray

58,90  (VAT not included)

Write multisensory!

The extra-large multisensory tray is a resource that allows the creative representation of figures through touch or drawing.

  • Inspired by the Montessori methodology.
  • It allows to promote pre-writing tasks, stimulate hand-eye coordination, train fine psychomotor skills
  • It encourages imagination and creativity.
  • Ideal to create a multi-sensory space, a corner in the classroom, to have it in session or at home, etc.
  • Use at individual and/or group level.
  • The game set includes:
    • 1 wooden tray (58.9 x 40.2 cm)
    • 1 Reversible blackboard: for chalk and erasable marker pen
    • 3 chalks and 1 eraser
    • 1 marker pen
    • 3 sand bags (0,4 kg)
    • 1 sand straightener

Arena kinetica moldeable – Kinetic sand

13,50  (VAT not included)

¡Da rienda suelta a tu creatividad!

Aplana, crea, marca… y moldea tus figuras con esta arena mágica.

  • Fácil de moldear y limpiar.
  • Contiene 1 paquete de 1 kg de arena.
  • Disponible en distintos colores.
  • Entrena la psicomotricidad fina, la presión manual, la estimulación sensorial, …
  • Edad recomendada: a partir de 3 años.

Kit de burbujas – Talk Tools

37,50  (VAT not included)

Trabaja el soplo mientras te diviertes con burbujas

La terapia de burbujas o con elementos de soplo promueve la gestión del soplo espiratorio, nasal u oral, dependiendo de como se utilicen los elementos. El soplo nos puede ayudar a:

  • Facilitar la participación abdominal, el control del flujo de aire, el redondeo de los labios o el trabajo narinario, la retracción de la lengua, etc.
  • Enseñar a los pacientes a utilizar un flujo de aire oral alargado, contínuo y controlado como soporte de la fonación.
  • Pasar un rato divertido, tanto en sesión como en casa, ya que  hacer burbujas es muy motivador.

Incluye: 1 tubo de burbujas, 1 recambio de tubo de burbujas, 1 osito de burbujas, 1 recambio de osito de burbujas, 3 pajitas de burbujas, 1 marioneta y el folleto de instrucciones original de TalkTools.

Bandeja de experimentación sensorial

Sold out (VAT not included)

Explora la imaginación y crea tu propio minimundo.

Esta bandeja es ideal para que los peques puedan manipular y experimentar, con diferentes elementos: agua, arena, juegos de construcción, plastilina, arcilla…

  • Uso muy versátil: permite construir paisajes y escenas fascinantes. 
  • Perfecta para actividades de aprendizaje sensorial, juego imaginativo, experimentación científica, etc. 
  • Material: plástico.
  • Fácil de limpiar.
  • Apta para uso en interior y exterior.

Botella sensorial – Sound Rabbit

10,60  (VAT not included)

¿Conseguirás encontrar el huevo?

¿Oyes eso? Allí afuera la primavera está despertando y el Conejito de Pascua salta y corretea alegremente entre las zanahorias. ¿Podrás encontrar el huevo de chocolate que ha escondido?

Las botellas sensoriales son un magnífico recurso para:

  • Transmitir calma.
  • Descubrir un universo lleno de estímulos.
  • Activar el sentido auditivo y las emociones.
  • Desarrollar el conocimiento del entorno, introducir nuevo vocabulario…

Dimensiones de cada botella: 14 cm x 4 cm.

No sumergir en agua ni exponer al sol durante largas horas, para su higiene aconsejamos pasar una toallita de higiene específica o trapo húmedo.

Botella sensorial – Sound Dragon

10,60  (VAT not included)

¡Explora, deja volar los sentidos y aprende jugando!

Esta fascinante botellita contiene un nuevo inquilino. ¿Puedes encontrarlo? Una pista: es grandote, tiene alas y ¡echa fuego por la boca!

Las botellas sensoriales son un magnífico recurso para:

  • Transmitir calma.
  • Descubrir un universo lleno de estímulos.
  • Activar el sentido auditivo y las emociones.
  • Desarrollar el conocimiento del entorno, introducir nuevo vocabulario…

Dimensiones de cada botella: 14 cm x 4 cm.

No sumergir en agua ni exponer al sol durante largas horas, para su higiene aconsejamos pasar una toallita de higiene específica o trapo húmedo.

Sensory Bottle – Move Bottle Duck

13,50  (VAT not included)

Get into the water and discover the ducks!

Mommy duck takes a dip and plays with her beach ball. Can you see her ducklings diving underwater?

This sensory bottle contains a liquid of floating effect that will love the little ones. Every time the bottle is shaken… the journey begins! Different elements begin to float with the change in density of the liquid, in a bubble-filled daydream that captures your imagination and helps you feel relaxed.

Sensory bottles are a great resource for:

  • Promote calmness.
  • Discover a universe full of stimuli.
  • Activate the visual sense and emotions.
  • Develop knowledge of the environment, introduce new vocabulary…

Dimensions of each bottle: 14cm x 4 cm.

Do not immerse in water or expose to the sun for long hours, for hygiene we recommend using a specific hygiene wipe or damp cloth.

Sensory bottle – Fluorescent pink

10,90  (VAT not included)

Light, color and magic.

These curious bottles, which contain the liquid suspended in gel, awakens visual interest and allow children to discover the colours. Just load them into a natural light source or black light, take them to a dark place and. . . Use them with light tables for a magical effect. When the bottles are rotated, the elements contained in them descend and are mobilized, creating a visual sensory stimulus that enriches the cognitive system.

  • It’s a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)…!
  • Interesting element to enrich a multisensory or Montessori corner.
  • They convey calm.
  • They allow you to discover a universe full of stimuli.
  • They activate the visual sense and emotions.

Dimensions of each bottle: 14cm x 4 cm.

Do not immerse in water or expose to the sun for long hours, for hygiene we recommend using a specific hygiene wipe or damp cloth.

Sophie Musical Balls – Stimulates the ear

12,75  (VAT not included)

Stimulating hearing from birth

From the same Sophie la girafe collection come these 3 Musical Balls as ideal elements for babies to start developing their sense of hearing.

  • 3 Musical Balls (100% natural rubber Hevea) of different colors and each one emits a different sound.
  • Ideal for babies to start developing their sense of hearing.
  • It helps the little ones to associate cause-effect and want to shake the ball again to make it sound.
  • Indicated from 3 months of age.

Sophie Magic Mirror – Stimulates vision

12,75  (VAT not included)

A magic mirror, with adaptive lenses, to develop eyesight

From the Sophie la girafe collection comes this Magic Mirror:

  • -Ideal for babies to start developing their sense of sight from newborn to 2 years old.
  • Composition 100% natural rubber
  • With changing lenses to begin to discern between lights, shadows, black, white, black and colors

Recommended from birth to 2 years of age.

Sophie Texture Cube – Stimulates Touch

12,75  (VAT not included)

A flexible, lightweight and textured cube!

From the Sophie la girafe collection comes the Cube with multiple textures.

  • Essential for the little ones to stimulate their sense of touch, from the age of 3 months, and to develop their motor skills.
  • Its size is very easy for small hands to grasp.
  • Made from 100% natural Hevea rubber.

Suitable from 3 months of age.

Sophie fragrance ring – Stimulates the sense of smell

12,75  (VAT not included)

How good this rattle-biter smells!

From the Sophie la girafe collection comes the Fragrance Ring.

  • Ideal for babies to awaken their nose and begin to get to know different and pleasant smells from the first day of life.
  • Made of 100% Hevea rubber.
  • Very easy to grasp by small hands.
  • Olfactory resource (with 3 different scents: coconut, strawberry and vanilla) ideal to be used as a rattle or even as a teether.

Set de regalo – Sophie la girafe

28,99  (VAT not included)

Un regalo original que no dejará indiferente a nadie

El set regalo de Sophie la girafe contiene Sophie la girafe, un Libro de aprendizaje y un divertido Sonajero. Ideal para despertar todos sus sentidos, tanto si acaba de nacer un bebé, para sus primeras navidades o para su primer cumpleaños:

  • La vista: las manchas de Sophie, de tonalidad oscura y distribuidas por todo el juguete, le ayudarán a estimular su vista.
  • El oído: Sophie emite un pitido mediante el silbato que incorpora. Esto estimula su oído y le ayuda a entender la relación de causa-efecto que se produce al apretarlo.
  • El gusto: cuenta con una textura masticable y de gran suavidad. El niño lo utiliza cuando necesita calmar sus encías.
  • El tacto: La textura de caucho 100% natural es reconfortante para el niño, ya que recuerda a la suavidad de la piel de su mamá.
  • El olfato: El aroma particular del caucho del árbol de Hevea le ayuda al niño a identificar a la jirafa Sophie entre el resto de sus juguetes.

¡ATENCIÓN! No esterilizar. Limpiar con agua jabonosa y un paño húmedo.  Dimensiones del pack: 14 x 25 x 5 cm. A partir de 0 meses.

Teether – Sophie la girafe

16,75  (VAT not included)

Meet the toy that stimulates baby’s 5 senses

This sensory teether will be the perfect ally for your little one, as it allows him to awaken all his senses:

  • Sight: Sophie’s dark-colored spots distributed throughout the toy will help stimulate her eyesight.
  • The ear: Sophie makes a beeping sound through the whistle that is built into the whistle. This stimulates her hearing and helps her to understand the cause-effect relationship that occurs when it is squeezed.
  • Taste: It has a chewy and soft texture. The child uses it when he needs to soothe his gums.
  • The touch: The 100% natural rubber texture is comforting for the child, as it is reminiscent of the softness of his mother’s skin.
  • Smell: The particular aroma of Hevea tree rubber helps the child to identify Sophie the giraffe among the rest of his toys.

Thanks to Sophie’s light touch and size, baby can hold the giraffe with his own hands. The long legs and neck make it easy to hold.

Facial sensory sachets set

43,50  (VAT not included)

Improved facial sensory awareness

TalkTools® Sensory Facial Pads are designed to provide facial massage and expose patients or students to a variety of textures in a fun and non-threatening way. They should be incorporated into your pre-feeding or oral sensory-motor stimulation program. These fun and safe tools can be used with users with hyposensitivity (insufficient response) or hypersensitivity (excessive response) to touch/texture on the face or those who do not have adequate facial symmetry or midline orientation.

A fun and safe way to benefit children and adults with defensive tactile behaviors, hyposensitivity or hypersensitivity. Ideal to help normalize sensory awareness.

Includes 4 pairs of sensory bags or pads in different textures (silky, irregular, furry, scratching) and the original TalkTools instruction manual.

Tactiludi – Didactic game animals

42,23  (VAT not included)

Recognize with your hands!

2 games in 1 focused on tactile recognition: a lotto game, where you have to find the pieces in a bag, and a memory game.

The box contains:

  • 6 sheets of 28 x 21 cm
  • 18 6.5 cm cardboard tokens
  • 1 cloth bag.

Weight: 1.2 kg

Disability support tips:

  • Develops touch.
  • Helps to differentiate and recognize materials.
  • Develops the logic of association.
  • Suitable for children with visual impairment or sensitivity.

Game of the 5 senses

40,66  (VAT not included)

What is your feeling?

This game will allow you to observe, describe the sensations, associate the symbols with the corresponding card, order them according to the sensation they transmit, etc.

The box includes:
– 35 sheets 24 cm x 18 cm.
– 5 double-sided sheets of everything 24 cm x 18 cm.
– 25 cardboard tokens of 8 cm x 7 cm.
– 5 round tokens of 6 cm in diameter.
– 1 didactic guide.
– Recommended for ages 4 and up.

Contains 2 lotus sets for “1 sense” or for “5 senses”.

Cursive textures alphabet – Montessori

25,88  (VAT not included)

Let’s play!

With this material you can work the letters by touch and provide an extra sensory stimulus to work on the development of reading and writing. Formed by:

  • 2 sets of 26 unbreakable alphabet letters.
  • Made of a rough material.
  • Vowels are presented on a pink background and consonants on a blue background.
  • The graphics are adhered to a rigid, tear-resistant, non-deformable plastic base.
  • It has a removable ring to bind the cards together, which is removable to promote associations, rankings and classifications.
  • Card dimensions: 15 x 12 cm.
  • Ø aro: 3,5 cm.Ø hoop: 3.5 cm.
  • From 3 years old.

Memory tactile – Pillows

16,75  (VAT not included)

Touch, feel, listen,…and match!

A very special memory, with 20 sensory pads contained in a cotton bag, will help us to train the sense of touch by identifying the largest number of pairs of sachets or pads to the touch. This game is especially suitable for:

  • Develop finger dexterity and fine motor skills.
  • Stimulates tactile and acoustic sensory perception
  • Encourages color recognition and creativity.

Water trays and colored sand

Sold out (VAT not included)

Manipulate, discover,…and stack!

Stackable trays for sand and water are ideal for nurseries, classrooms and medical practices. Its size (500 x 700 x 150 mm) is very suitable for handling and transporting the tray without difficulty. Ideal for supporting the following learning areas:
• Understanding the world: exploration
• Personal development: collaborative play
• Expressive arts and design: art
• Understanding the world: color


Sensory Bottle – Flamingo

14,50  (VAT not included)

An authentic flamenco for children’s curiosity!

Light, color and magic. With this curious bottle, it’s time to relax on this tropical island. Deserted? Not so fast… Among the sand and the colorful landscape we will find many surprises…, including a winged character. A microcosm in each bottle. In each of the Spy Bottles, we recreate a natural environment, with animals that will become the protagonists of your children’s imagination.

They will enjoy identifying the animals, imitating them, telling them, creating stories and tales or learning about the different ecosystems.

Includes booklet with suggestions for activities especially recommended for children 18 months and older.

Dimensions of each bottle: 14 x 4 cm.

Sensory bottle – Silver

10,50  (VAT not included)

Silver and glitter!

Light, color and magic. Curious bottles, inspired by the chromatic range of nature, in which the liquid suspended in gel awakens visual interest and allows children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It’s a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)…! Ideal for multisensory or Montessori corner.

Sensory Bottle – Fluorescent Yellow

10,90  (VAT not included)

It’s showtime!

These curious bottles, which contain the liquid suspended in gel, awakens visual interest and allow children to discover the colours. Just load them into a natural light source or black light, take them to a dark place and. . . Use them with light tables for a magical effect. When the bottles are rotated, the elements contained in them descend and are mobilized, creating a visual sensory stimulus that enriches the cognitive system.

  • It’s a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)…!
  • Interesting element to enrich a multisensory or Montessori corner.
  • They convey calm.
  • They allow you to discover a universe full of stimuli.
  • They activate the visual sense and emotions.

Dimensions of each bottle: 14cm x 4 cm.

Do not immerse in water or expose to the sun for long hours, for hygiene we recommend using a specific hygiene wipe or damp cloth.


Sensory Bottle Pack – Twilight

31,60  (VAT not included)

Sunset in bottles!

With these 3 beautiful bottles we will awaken the visual interest of children, thanks to its liquid suspended in gel and its floating shapes and colors.

  • Perfect ally to help manage stress and anxiety
  • Includes Float Orange + Float Yellow + Float Green.
  • Learn colors, improve concentration and promote calmness.
  • Can be used with light tables
  • Recommended from 3 months of age
  • Bottle dimensions: 14cm x 4 cm.

Sensory bottle pack – Nature

42,50  (VAT not included)

Nature in a bottle!

These 3 precious bottles, which simulate a pinch of nature, contain elements of different chromatic tonalities, which attract the eye and the ear. These bottles not only awaken visual interest, but also allow children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

In addition, when the bottles are rotated, the elements contained in them descend and mobilize, creating an auditory sensory stimulus that enriches the cognitive system and helps manage stress and anxiety (and not only for children)…!

Includes: Spy Farm + Spy Jungle + Spy Se. Recommended age: + 3 Months

Tactile lotus animals

18,95  (VAT not included)

Touch and recognize by touch!

Tactile Lotus Animals is a game for the whole family that develops the ability to recognize objects and their qualities by touch.

In addition to stimulating the sense of touch, it allows children to be introduced to games with rules and to develop oral expressive language in terms of textures, sizes and animals.

Contains: 18 animal cards with textures, roulette wheel and opaque cloth bag.

Sensory bottle – My first toy

14,85  (VAT not included)

A sensory bottle with handkerchief!

My First Toy contains two products inspired by Piklerian pedagogy and designed for babies from three months of age: a light cotton scarf in bright colors and a sensory sound bottle or Sound Bottle.

Like other models of sensory bottles, they stimulate the baby’s sight, hearing and motor skills, while encouraging free and spontaneous play. When the bottles are rotated, the elements contained in them descend and are mobilized, creating a visual sensory stimulus that enriches the cognitive system.

It contains a 100% cotton scarf and a sensory bottle inspired by the Pikler pedagogy.

+ 3 months

Sensory Bottle – Turquoise

10,90  (VAT not included)

Like the sea, immense and relaxing!

Light, color and magic. Curious bottles, inspired by the chromatic range of nature, in which the liquid suspended in gel awakens visual interest and allows children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It’s a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)…! Ideal for multisensory or Montessori corner.

Sensory Bottle – Turmeric Orange

10,90  (VAT not included)

The most sensorial and relaxing rainbow!

Light, color and magic. Curious bottles, inspired by the chromatic range of nature, in which the liquid suspended in gel awakens visual interest and allows children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It’s a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)…! Ideal for multisensory or Montessori corner.

Sensory Bottle Pack – Fantasy

31,00  (VAT not included)

¡Unicornios y sirenas que calman y entretienen!

Light, color and magic with the “fantasy” bottle pack. These 3 precious bottles, in different chromatic shades,mermaids and unicorns meet through a beautiful turquoise lake to give shape to their own fantastic world. The liquid suspended in gel awakens visual interest and allows children to discover colors, marvel at the light, stimulate their concentration and find their moment of calm.

Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It’s a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)…! Ideal for multisensory or Montessori corner.

Dimensions of each bottle: 14cm x 4 cm.