In most cases, the child should never limit himself/herself to working in isolation and in silence; rather, the work will be characterized by a constant oral elaboration of the situations that arise and by the application of all the resources available to the trainer in order to get the most out of each task. One must always be alert to detect those situations in which the child has greater difficulty and be able to determine whether it is strictly a failure to understand what has been read (caused by a possible distraction, by reading too fast, by omitting a word that alters the meaning of the sentence, etc.) or whether the problem lies in the fact that the child has not previously incorporated the concept to which reference is made. For example: if the child has to identify whether the ball is on top, underneath, to the right of the table, etc., and solves it incorrectly, it is possible that he/she has not yet clearly acquired these concepts. In such a situation, work will be backtracked to affirm these spatial notions as the reeducator sees fit.
These exercises can be applied in both individual and group sessions. In the case of group sessions, the speech therapist or teacher will be free to select, adapt or vary the work, according to the average level of learning possibilities of the group of students he/she attends.
Text in Spanish.