Portada » OROFACIAL MYOLOGY » Page 2

Showing 61–63 of 63 results

Oral display

22,00 22,50  (VAT not included)

Shorten the treatment by working with the screen!

Flexible plastic vestibular plate with multiple indications: control of injurious habits (finger or lip sucking, onychophagia, …), muscular work, lip sealing, respiratory work, etc. It contains a ring to facilitate specific toning work (lips, buccinators, …).

Available in two sizes depending on the dental arch (small and large). The small size is recommended for children up to 6 years old.

Flavored depressants

6,90 21,50  (VAT not included)

Assessing the oral cavity has never been easier!

Plastic spatulas or tongue depressors, in a variety of colors, with smell and taste.  The taste depressor is ideal for those children who do not like going to the dentist, the pediatrician, the speech therapist, etc. Such an element will capture their attention and will facilitate both exploration inside the mouth and specific orofacial myofunctional re-education work.

Available in packs of 10 or 40 units of assorted colors individually packaged.