Working on dyslexia.
ABC Dyslexia is a structured and sequential sequential program designed specifically for dyslexic dyslexic school childrenIt can also be used by children who have difficulty learning to read and write. It is composed of four modulescorresponding respectively to the letters B, D, P y TThe difficulties posed by each of these letters are addressed through numerous activities. Emphasis has been placed on these letters, since they are the most difficult for children with dyslexia.
The program works jointly on the development of phonological awareness and the learning of grapheme-phoneme correspondences from a multisensory methodology, since several studies have shown that this approach produces more significant progress in reading and writing. Other written language processes are also considered, such as automation and reading comprehension, handwriting quality and text production.
Each module consists of an attractive activity booklet for the student and a teacher’s manual that explains the activities in detail and includes the necessary evaluation records to check the child’s progress and adapt the intervention to his or her needs.
- Teacher’s notebooks B, D, P and T
- Activity notebooks B, D, P and T
- Letter game