Aprender es modificar o adquirir nuevas habilidades, destrezas, conocimientos, conductas y valores mediante la experimentación, el estudio, la observación, el razonamiento o la instrucción. Múltiples y variados juegos disponibles hoy en día, desde los más clásicos hasta los más innovadores, pueden ser grandes herramientas para construir una variedad de aprendizajes: lectoescritura, matemáticas, razonamiento y resolución de problemas, etc. aportando motivación e interés a los jugadores. Más allá de la estimulación de las inteligencias múltiples, fomentaremos la autoestima, incentivaremos la cooperación y el trabajo en equipo y mejoraremos el comportamiento y la actitud, entre otros muchos aspectos.
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Create an AccountLa Guía técnica de intervención logopédica en la enfermedad de Parkinson sirve de instrumento de consulta ágil para el tratamiento logopédico del habla y la deglución producidos por la enfermedad de Parkinson. Es una guía dirigida tanto a profesionales del habla como a estudiantes de Logopedia, enfermos de Parkinson, familiares y cuidadores. Dedica un amplio espacio a descubrir las técnicas de rehabilitación logopédica y recomendaciones terapéuticas más eficaces para mejorar la comunicación de los enfermos de Parkinson y en definitiva, contribuir a aumentar su calidad de vida.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Guia-tecnica-de-intervencion-logopedica-en-la-enfermedad-de-Parkinson-247x300.jpg 16.64 instock BooksOthers 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Guia-tecnica-de-intervencion-logopedica-en-la-enfermedad-de-Parkinson-247x300.jpg 2238722281212212227521114 16.64 16.00 0.00 0.00 2015-03-11T13:48:58+01:00El implante coclear es un dispositivo que se coloca en el oído interno de los pacientes que padecen un déficit auditivo que les imposibilita acceder a la información acústica de su medio de forma natural. En esta guía se recoge de la forma más clara y práctica todo lo relacionado con el implante de cóclea: el tipo de paciente que puede beneficiarse del mismo, su colocación, su programación y uso, y su tratamiento específico. Su objetivo es informar a padres de niños implantados, adultos portadores del aparato y terapeutas que se encuentren con este tipo de pacientes en sus consultas, para aportales el mayor conocimiento práctico, y obtener los mejores resultados tras la estimulación adecuada de la audición a través del implante.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Guia-tecnica-de-intervencion-logopedica-en-implantes-cocleares-247x300.jpg 18.98 instock BooksHearing and language 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Guia-tecnica-de-intervencion-logopedica-en-implantes-cocleares-247x300.jpg 2228621108212182241421111 18.98 18.25 0.00 0.00 2015-03-11T12:24:53+01:00El objetivo fundamental de este libro es dotar de los conocimientos, estrategias y actitudes necesarios para la comprensión y explicación de los Trastornos del Espectro Autista de Alto Funcionamiento (TEA-AF) desde un enfoque positivo, que tenga en cuenta no sólo las dificultades sino también las habilidades de este colectivo.
Para alcanzar dicho objetivos, el libro se esctructura en cinco partes. En la primera se hace un breve repaso de la evolución histórica del concepto de autismo hasta llegar a la conceptualización actual de Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA). En la segunda se exponen las características clínicas y psicopedagógicas que mejor identifican al grupo. En la tercera se presentan las habilidades y dificultades en la interacción social. En la cuarta se abordan los perfiles lingüísticos y comunicativos. Y en la quinta se analizan, por un lado las actividades e intereses restrictivos y su inflexibilidad mental, y por otro, se hace un repaso del perfil cognitivo y de aprendizaje que puede ser de gran utilidad para que los maestros y educadores puedan realizar las Adaptaciones Curriculares Individualizadas en el ámbito escolar.
La presente obra está centrada preferentemente en los conocimientos sobre este colectivo y tiene su continuidad en otra obra en la que se abordarán las estrategias de intervención. Ambas pueden servir como un instrumento para la adquisición de las competencias específicas de los futuros profesionales de la educación superior (maestros, psicopedagogos, psicólogos) en el nuevo marco de la Enseñanza Europea de Educación Superior (EEES) y para facilitar a las familias la comprensión y explicación del comportamiento de sus hijos y la manera de ayudarles.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/autismo-y-sindrome-asperger-c--pia-247x300.jpg 10.30 instock OthersBooks 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/autismo-y-sindrome-asperger-c--pia-247x300.jpg 2106322395224142227522281 10.30 9.90 0.00 0.00 2015-11-12T16:04:44+01:00Txema Aguirre se adentra en el conocimiento teórico-práctico actual de una técnica novedosa en nuestro entorno como es el Cross Taping. Dicha técnica, en la que se utilizan pequeños parches con diferentes denominaciones como Cross., basa su acción en el reequilibrio de las corrientes electromagnéticas y en la modificación de las señales que envían al Sistema Nervioso, los diferentes y múltiples receptores integrados en la piel.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Cross-taping-practico-247x300.jpg 24.96 instock Speech and voiceBooksOrofacial myology 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Cross-taping-practico-247x300.jpg 2097322414222812110821060 24.96 24.00 0.00 0.00 2015-03-12T20:32:13+01:00Latex finger cots to protect a finger in isolation when working inside the patient's oral cavity.
Available in pack of 100 units.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/dedil-latex-2-247x300.jpg 3.96 instock OROFACIAL MYOLOGYExploration and diagnosisHYGIENE AND DISINFECTIONProtection and safety 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/dedil-latex-2-247x300.jpg 2227522387212212111722414 3.96 3.60 0.00 0.00 2013-12-02T23:32:41+01:00Bottle of 100 strong wipes impregnated with an efficient dual-action solution (detergent and disinfectant) for quick hand hygiene, instruments, work surfaces, etc. Very practical and easy to use. First of all, it is recommended to perform the usual cleaning of the material and then use the disinfectant wipe. It is necessary to leave the solution to act and not to rinse. In cases of devices that have to come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, it is recommended to rinse before use.
Manufactured in accordance with European standards UNE-EN ISO 14476.Bactericidal: NF EN 1276 in 5 min, Fungicidal: NF EN 1650 on Candida Albicans and NF EN 1275 in 15 min, Virucidal: Herpes virus 3 strains in 5 min.
Rectangular container, with a capacity of 1.25 liters, for the manual process of disinfection and cleaning. This process involves mixing water with a specific liquid in which the elements to be sterilized are immersed for a few hours. The kit consists of 3 elements: base container with its corresponding base, transparent lid and perforated tray. This last element allows a better rinsing and drying process of the materials to be disinfected.
It is recommended to use the sterilization liquid (available in sachet or 1l bottle).
Size 26x11x8cm.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/mini-cubeta-247x223.jpg 41.02 instock Buckets, liquids and gelsHYGIENE AND DISINFECTION 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/mini-cubeta-247x223.jpg 2228620973222812233521218 41.02 33.90 0.00 0.00 2016-02-11T17:50:28+01:00With this wooden tube, children can imitate the sounds of rain and listen to its soft rustling. Whether as a maraca,rhythm instrument or sensory toy, this tube that imitates rain trains acoustic perception and inspires young and old alike.
This instrument, with its cheerful rainbow colors, can also be used as a percussion instrument and creates a nice atmosphere and interesting sounds in the children's playroom.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Tubo-de-lluvia-247x300.jpg 19.97 instock Juguetes terapéuticosDe 1 a 3 añosHearing, Speech, and VoiceAuditory perceptionSPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSHearing ImpairmentWood 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Tubo-de-lluvia-247x300.jpg 2239522376222812227521221 19.97 16.50 0.00 0.00 2025-01-23T12:00:21+01:00Set of numbers from 0 to 9, large, on a rigid plastic base to be worked by touch. The silhouettes of the numbers are made with a rough material to provide an extra sensory stimulus in the development of numeration and calculation.
The individual plates are 11.9 x 15.9 cm in size.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/numeros-montessori-247x223.jpeg 18.03 instock LEARNINGSCalculation and mathematical languageMotor skillsMULTISENSORY STIMULATIONThe 5 sensesSPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSVisual Impairment 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/numeros-montessori-247x223.jpeg 2237622395210602111422286 18.03 14.90 0.00 0.00 2017-06-21T17:27:52+02:00Senzeez vibrating cushions are a wonderful resource to calm and relax both children and teenagers. The sensation generated by their vibration when pressed or when sitting down helps to stay seated in the chair for a longer time during meals, when doing school work, etc. Thus, it is an especially interesting resource for people with attention and concentration difficulties, with anxiety, with difficulty to finish a task sitting, with sensory deficit or hypersensitivity, with autism, etc. or many other special educational needs.
Its attractive soccer ball design is an irresistible attraction for sports enthusiasts.
https://mundologopedicum.com/para-saber-mas/experimento-camara-oculta-una-sesion-clinica/ https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/cojin-vibratorio-futbol-247x223.jpg 42.89 instock GAMES AND TOYSTYPE OF TOYSensory stimulationAGE3 – 6 years6 – 9 years9 – 12 yearsAlso for adultsAreas of DevelopmentSensory stimulationLearning CornersMultisensoryMULTISENSORY STIMULATIONVibrating pillowsSPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSASDADHD 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/cojin-vibratorio-futbol-247x223.jpg 2227521117211082238722395 42.89 35.45 0.00 0.00 2017-05-04T17:49:04+02:00A set of 26 letters of the alphabet, in linked or school letters, made of a rough material so that they can be worked by touch. The child's fingers are guided by the rough shapes. The vowels are on a pink background and the consonants on a blue background. The silhouettes of the letters are attached to a sturdy rigid plastic base and are connected by a removable ring, which is removable to promote associations, classifications and sorting. This material provides an extra sensory stimulus in the development of reading and writing.
The box contains:
From 3 years old.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Abecedario-texturas-cursivas-247x300.jpg 31.31 instock Areas of DevelopmentLearning CornersLEARNINGSMontessoriMULTISENSORY STIMULATIONReading and writingReading and writingReading and writingSensory stimulationThe 5 senses 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Abecedario-texturas-cursivas-247x300.jpg 2238721922211112110821102 31.31 25.88 0.00 0.00 2023-01-13T19:25:07+01:00Curious element, in the form of bottles, which contain varied and attractive elements inside to awaken the visual interest of the little ones. When the bottles are rotated, the elements contained in them descend and are mobilized, creating a visual sensory stimulus that enriches the cognitive system. Interesting element to enrich a multisensory or Montessori corner.
Pack consisting of 3 bottles with different chromatic shades.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/pack-botellas-sensoriales-magic-petit-boum-1-494x600.jpg 38.24 instock GAMES AND TOYSTYPE OF TOYBaby toysAGE6 – 12 months1 – 2 years2 – 3 yearsAreas of DevelopmentSensory stimulationLearning CornersCalm and emotionalMultisensoryBABY WORLDMy first toysOriginal Details and GiftsMULTISENSORY STIMULATIONThe 5 sensesSPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSVisual Impairment 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/pack-botellas-sensoriales-magic-petit-boum-1-494x600.jpg 2228121221211172110522475 38.24 31.60 0.00 0.00 2019-09-19T09:40:28+02:00Game to make pairs of pieces or boxes of different textures. The material consists of 10 wooden boxes of different surfaces that the player will have to recognize, just by touch, to match them and thus promote attention, concentration, memory, ... Especially developing the sense of touch. It contains a board of 29 x 13 x 3.5 cm. so that the pieces can be placed.
Texture colors may vary. https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/cajitas-memory-texturas-247x300.jpg 22.87 instock GAMES AND TOYSTYPE OF TOYSensory stimulationAGE6 – 9 years9 – 12 yearsFamily gamesGAME TYPEAttention and concentration gamesMemory gamesAreas of DevelopmentSensory stimulationMemory and attentionMULTISENSORY STIMULATIONThe 5 sensesSPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSVisual ImpairmentCOGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENTExecutive functionsWood 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/cajitas-memory-texturas-247x300.jpg 2111421922213502239522275 22.87 18.90 0.00 0.00 2015-06-29T12:56:20+02:00Light, color and magic. With this curious bottle, it's time to relax on this tropical island. Deserted? Not so fast... Among the sand and the colorful landscape we will find many surprises..., including some winged characters.
A microcosm in every bottle. In each of the Spy Bottles, we recreate a natural environment, with animals that will become the protagonists of your children's imagination.
They will enjoy identifying the animals, imitating them, telling them, creating stories and tales or learning about the different ecosystems. A real magnet for children's curiosity!
When the bottles are rotated, the elements contained in them descend and are mobilized, creating a visual sensory stimulus that enriches the cognitive system.
Use them with light tables for a magical effect, or let him contemplate the flow of glitter, sequins and pom poms as he relaxes It's a perfect mindfulness tool for managing stress and anxiety (and not just for kids)...!
Interesting element to enrich a multisensory or Montessori corner.
Includes booklet with suggestions for activities especially recommended for children 18 months and older.
Dimensions of each bottle: 14 x 4 cm.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/botella-sensorial-flamingo-2-494x600.jpg 17.55 instock GAMES AND TOYSTYPE OF TOYBaby toysAGE6 – 12 months1 – 2 yearsAreas of DevelopmentSensory stimulationLearning CornersMultisensoryBABY WORLDMy first toysMULTISENSORY STIMULATIONThe 5 senses 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/botella-sensorial-flamingo-2-494x600.jpg 2110522387210722122121114 17.55 14.50 0.00 0.00 2022-07-19T10:34:00+02:00These sturdy wooden balance stones, which can be used on both sides, not only appeal to the sense of balance and the desire to move of little adventurers, but also train balance and coordination with a lot of fun. The hemispherical elements made of sturdy foam, which are placed differently under each balancing stone, offer children a variety of challenges. Combined with each other, all stones form a creative balancing path with an individually adjustable level of difficulty.
Thanks to their simple design and shape, in combination with modern colors and lots of natural-colored wood, the stones fit perfectly into any multi-sensory or psychomotor room, living room or children's room
A toy that encourages movement and motor development, especially practical, because thanks to the possibility of building infinite routes and paths can be adjusted to individual needs and the degree of difficulty can be adapted to the ability and age of children. Movement toys are in vogue, not only for therapeutic purposes, but also as domestic play elements indoors or outdoors. Ideal for outdoor play.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/piedras-equilibrio-494x600.jpg 78.05 instock Balance and motor skillsDe 3 a 6 añosJuguetes terapéuticosMULTISENSORY STIMULATIONWood 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/piedras-equilibrio-494x600.jpg 2106322395224752135021117 78.05 64.50 0.00 0.00 2022-07-04T09:37:05+02:00With this fantastic box you can discover the world by stimulating all the senses. A colorful wooden box has 2 textile openings to put your hands in that allow you to touch, feel and recognize objects by touch alone. Two other openings with lenses or binoculars (which can be covered with the sun and the moon) allow the eyes to guess a little. A funnel or horn located in the lid allows to sharpen the ears. This material is ideal for training all the senses and especially for training the sense of touch by recognizing and identifying animal silhouettes or objects of various sizes and textures (e.g. letters, wooden/foam numbers,...).
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/caja-multisensorial-494x600.jpg 48.28 instock LEARNINGSMotor skillsMULTISENSORY STIMULATIONThe 5 sensesSPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSVisual ImpairmentWood 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/caja-multisensorial-494x600.jpg 2111722380211242111122335 48.28 39.90 0.00 0.00 2017-05-23T13:17:54+02:00Beautiful wooden 3D triangles, made of solid beech, in the seven colors of the rainbow, ideal for construction and imaginative play. An exceptional resource that gives us infinite possibilities: build towers, design rooms, place outdoors and recreate small worlds with dolls or animals, develop mathematical logic games, classify by color or size, impact on their concepts using mathematical terms (bigger, smaller, taller, wider, etc.). Timeless game that will help us to expand vocabulary and improve language skills through the description of their activities in action.
Heights: 19mm, 40mm, 61mm, 82mm, 103mm, 126mm and 148mm. Sides: 29mm, 59mm, 89mm, 119mm, 149mm, 179mm and 209mm. Lengths: 36mm, 79mm, 123mm, 164mm, 207mm, 251mm and 292mm. Wall thickness: 8mm x width 40mm It allows to promote the following learning areas: