The reduction of dyslexia sometimes leads to repetitive exercises of graphic and sound type that, besides being insufficient, can be boring. This material presents a different approach, with varied stimuli and exercises, supported by the following materials:
1. A guide book, with abundant ortho-drawings and an extensive list of exercises and activities, based on the vision of words and drawings. 2. A CD-ROM with more than 400 ortho-drawings, accompanied by the sound of the corresponding word, which can be heard as a whole or by isolated syllables. The association of drawing and word helps in a very effective way to facilitate reading, even of long or complex words. It has 132 exercises in which the drawings can be seen fixed or moving, in addition to hearing their words. Example: monk and sheep are animated by clicking on them.
Seeing the pictures and hearing the sound of veterinarians, bubbles, or whizzes helps to cope with vocabulary that was almost insurmountable in the usual methods. 3. A touch box with a curtain into which children put their hands to blindly identify letters, objects or spatial structures and diagrams. 4. An alphabet with raised letters that allow them to discriminate by touch doubtful letters: b, p, t; q, g; n, u, as well as confusing syllables: pra, par, las, sal.
5. Orthographic memory cards. There are 72 pairs of cards, one with a drawing and a word mounted, the other with the drawing without the word. With these cards you can do exercises of spatial perception, identification of shapes, invention of sentences or short stories, etc.
Text in Spanish.