Aprender es modificar o adquirir nuevas habilidades, destrezas, conocimientos, conductas y valores mediante la experimentación, el estudio, la observación, el razonamiento o la instrucción. Múltiples y variados juegos disponibles hoy en día, desde los más clásicos hasta los más innovadores, pueden ser grandes herramientas para construir una variedad de aprendizajes: lectoescritura, matemáticas, razonamiento y resolución de problemas, etc. aportando motivación e interés a los jugadores. Más allá de la estimulación de las inteligencias múltiples, fomentaremos la autoestima, incentivaremos la cooperación y el trabajo en equipo y mejoraremos el comportamiento y la actitud, entre otros muchos aspectos.
The Stimulators for intraoral proprioception and mandibular movements are indicated for the exercise of the masticatory musculature and/or intraoral and labial proprioception. These elements are available in 2 levels or sizes: Level 1 is indicated for children up to ten years of age or individuals with many proprioceptive alterations and Level 2 is indicated for children over ten years of age, adolescents or adults.
For proper use, it is important to observe the upright positioning of the head and neck to correctly perform the intraoral proprioceptive exercises, masticatory movements and masticatory strength. To increase the amplitude and muscle strength involved, we can start with level 1 and gradually increase to level 2 use, without causing discomfort to the patient.
Elements produced with non-toxic and malleable medical grade PVC.
Size dimensions:
Level 1: malleable rod with rough surface 7.5 cm long, 3 mm thick, 5 mm wide at the end that joins a 10 mm diameter sphere, with the width of the rod gradually increasing to 7.5 mm at the other end that joins another 15 mm diameter sphere.
Level 2: 7.5 cm long, 3.5 mm thick, 10 mm wide stem with a rough surface at the end that joins a 20 mm diameter sphere, with the width of the stem gradually increasing to 12.5 mm at the other end that joins another 25 mm diameter sphere.
The pack includes 2 units (1 of each level).
About brand
Ya desde la década de los años 80, Profono se constituye como una compañía orientada a ayudar a los logopedas de Brasil velando tanto por su tarea académica como profesional. En sus inicios, la formación y la divulgación científica -importada de otros países o de creación propia- ayudaron a muchos fonoaudiólogos a formarse y a hacer avanzar la disciplina en todas sus áreas y especialidades. En este momento ya empezaron a improvisar los primeros materiales terapéuticos que aún son referentes hoy en día y se pueden encontrar en la mayoría de las consultas: pesas labiales y linguales, gomas tubulares, depresores rugosos, entre un sinfín de interesantes recursos. Actualmente, gracias a su pasión por la disciplina y atendiendo a las últimas innovaciones y tendencias tecnológicas del momento, nos acercan aparatos de electroestimulación, estética facial, disfagia y otros dispositivos usados en las áreas más emergentes de la fonoaudiología.
https://logopedicum.com/en/product/stimulators-intraoral-proprioception-and-jaw-movements/267244Stimulators: intraoral proprioception and jaw movements
The Stimulators for intraoral proprioception and mandibular movements are indicated for the exercise of the masticatory musculature and/or intraoral and labial proprioception. These elements are available in 2 levels or sizes: Level 1 is indicated for children up to ten years of age or individuals with many proprioceptive alterations and Level 2 is indicated for children over ten years of age, adolescents or adults.
For proper use, it is important to observe the upright positioning of the head and neck to correctly perform the intraoral proprioceptive exercises, masticatory movements and masticatory strength. To increase the amplitude and muscle strength involved, we can start with level 1 and gradually increase to level 2 use, without causing discomfort to the patient.
Elements produced with non-toxic and malleable medical grade PVC.
Size dimensions:
Level 1: malleable rod with rough surface 7.5 cm long, 3 mm thick, 5 mm wide at the end that joins a 10 mm diameter sphere, with the width of the rod gradually increasing to 7.5 mm at the other end that joins another 15 mm diameter sphere.
Level 2: 7.5 cm long, 3.5 mm thick, 10 mm wide stem with a rough surface at the end that joins a 20 mm diameter sphere, with the width of the stem gradually increasing to 12.5 mm at the other end that joins another 25 mm diameter sphere.
The pack includes 2 units (1 of each level).