Aprender es modificar o adquirir nuevas habilidades, destrezas, conocimientos, conductas y valores mediante la experimentación, el estudio, la observación, el razonamiento o la instrucción. Múltiples y variados juegos disponibles hoy en día, desde los más clásicos hasta los más innovadores, pueden ser grandes herramientas para construir una variedad de aprendizajes: lectoescritura, matemáticas, razonamiento y resolución de problemas, etc. aportando motivación e interés a los jugadores. Más allá de la estimulación de las inteligencias múltiples, fomentaremos la autoestima, incentivaremos la cooperación y el trabajo en equipo y mejoraremos el comportamiento y la actitud, entre otros muchos aspectos.
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Create an AccountPoint, throw and form words! Hilarious game in which "feeding" the monster with letters will allow us to create words, train phonological awareness, work on reading and writing, etc. The discs are letters that once inside the mouth, slide through a channel and are placed in order to form the desired words. Active game for learning reading and writing. Several game modes.
The set contains 1 letter-snacking monster, 48 letter discs, 30 game cards, 1 cloth bag for storing the counters and 1 teaching guide Monster dimensions: 50x32 cm
Number of players: 4 Recommended age: 3-7 years old. https://mundologopedicum.com/ideas-practicas/aprende-jugando-con-el-monstruo-de-las-letras/ https://mundologopedicum.com/ideas-practicas/juega-y-aprende-el-abecedario-con-el-monstruo-de-las-letras/ https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ABC-Monster.001-247x223.jpeg 48.28 instock GAMES AND TOYSTYPE OF TOYJuegos de aprendizajeAGE3 – 6 years6 – 9 yearsGAME TYPEReading and writing gamesAreas of DevelopmentHearing and languageReading and writingLANGUAGEPhonetics and phonologyLEARNINGSReading and writing 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ABC-Monster.001-247x223.jpeg 1692793179817751684 48.28 39.90 0.00 0.00 2018-11-06T17:08:48+01:00Spin the wheel and look for pictures that begin with a letter or phoneme, contain that letter or phoneme, or have a certain number of syllables! Play with pictures to mentally segment words into syllables and identify phonemes and letters progressively. Phonological awareness is fundamental to generate a good pre-reading base. Segmenting into phonemes, spelling and syllabication from pictures is especially indicated when there are specific learning difficulties in reading and writing, dyslexia, etc.
Includes: - 1 sturdy cardboard roulette wheel (17.3 cm) - 3 sturdy cardboard roulette wheels (11.5 cm)- 80 chips of resistant cardboard with real images (5 cm)
- 10 sturdy cardboard tokens with stars (3 cm)
- 1 erasable marker Recommended age: 4-8 years old https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/ruleta-prelectura-4-247x300.jpg 22.98 instock GAMES AND TOYSTYPE OF TOYJuegos de aprendizajeAGE3 – 6 years6 – 9 yearsGAME TYPEReading and writing gamesAreas of DevelopmentHearing and languageReading and writingLANGUAGEPhonetics and phonologyLEARNINGSReading and writing 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/ruleta-prelectura-4-247x300.jpg 16851688115416931796 22.98 18.99 0.00 0.00 2022-01-15T11:18:30+01:00With this manipulative and very playful material, children can become little detectives and will have to discover which words are hidden inside other words, using cards with images/words that differ in a syllable either by substituting, adding or eliminating it with anothersyllable-Syllabic Awareness (for example, piñata-piña) or with aphoneme-phonemic awareness(for example, ojo-rojo).
On the other hand, to train lexical awareness, we include cards, from simpler to more complex, showing two images of very similar social situations (for example, a child bathing in the pool and a child bathing at the beach) for the child to indicate the word/s that change/s in the sentence we verbalize. Through play, children learn to recognize and use the sounds of words. Mastering this skill is a key part of learning to read.
This material is suitable for students in kindergarten (from 5 years of age), first cycle of primary school and for students in the first year of primary school (from 5 years of age). second cycle of primary education who present errors in phonological processing.
This material is ideal to introduce children to the learning of reading, deepening the work of phonological awareness in all its phases: lexical awareness, syllabic awareness and phonemic awareness, essential for a good reading development.
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/creando-palabras-247x300.jpg 57.72 instock BooksLANGUAGEPhonetics and phonologyReading and writing 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/creando-palabras-247x300.jpg 17621779168216891688 57.72 55.50 0.00 0.00 2023-07-06T09:36:52+02:00Learning is easy: thanks to the magnetic adhesion, the first words can be read and written on this practical school board and the first mathematical operations and problems can be solved. Letters, numbers, arithmetic signs and fruits can be stored in a practical magnetic box for easy transport. Ideal for meaningful learning from the first years of school.
This game, of visual and phonological recognition and agility, consists of locating the objects on a card that begin with the letter indicated on another chosen card. Thus, everyone will search at the same time and only the fastest and most ingenious will win.
Very similar to the Kaleidos game, but in a pocket version, we can have fun in session, in the classroom or with the family and take it everywhere.
In Look Around the cards have objects on one side and a letter on the other. Turn a letter card so that the objects are visible and, all at the same time, look for an object that contains the letter that is in sight. The quickest and wittiest will get the letter.
Look Around is the "little brother" of Kaleidos: besides giving a twist to its mechanics, it is a pocket version so you can take it with you everywhere!
https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/look-around-247x300.jpg 17.55 instock 6 – 9 years9 – 12 yearsAGEAreas of DevelopmentBoard gamesCOGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENTExecutive functionsFamily gamesGAME TYPEGAMES AND TOYSHearing and languageJuegos de aprendizajeLANGUAGELEARNINGSPhonetics and phonologyReading and writingReading and writingReading and writing gamesTravel toysTYPE OF TOY 0 0.00 0 https://logopedicum.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/look-around-247x300.jpg 17681762169116881154 17.55 14.50 0.00 0.00 2020-10-14T18:40:34+02:00