Works on listening and reading comprehension.
Original language resource to work on listening, reading and reading comprehension. The material consists of a box containing 60 cards, 20 with a single drawing and 3 written sentences and 40 with 3 drawings and a written sentence, so that the patient or student can choose the correct answer according to the instructions given by the therapist (who will choose how to present the cards: orally or in writing). The cards with 3 illustrations allow an amusing self-correction, since the child has a pointer or a “magic or secret” flashlight with which he/she can verify the correct answer. A particularly attractive resource for those cases in which we need to improve the comprehension aspect of language skills. The set allows both individual and group work and although it is labeled in English, it is very easy to adapt it to any language. The pack contains a box for storing the cards, a flashlight or “magic” pointer and an explanatory card with multiple activities to do in several languages.