Búsqueda por:pelota soft

Pelota extra soft

4,00  (IVA no incluido)

Una pelota extra suave

Ligera y divertida pelota de material blando y suave, que permite transportarla plegada en un espacio reducido, ideal para realizar masaje o relajación corporal, gran variedad de juegos en los que el uso de un balón, sin riesgo de romper nada, nos facilita la cooperación y participación de los usuarios, etc. Su peculiar modo de inflarse, mediante una caña, nos permite también potenciar y gestionar el soplo espiratorio oral en aquellos casos que requieren de un trabajo respiratorio.

Mordedor pelota silicona soft

11,15  (IVA no incluido)

Dulce mordedor

Este mordedor en forma de pelota de silicona es super suave y único, y brinda un agradable masaje a las delicadas encías del bebé que le aliviará su dolor . Estimula los labios y la lengua y ayuda la erupción dental. Su diseño es ideal para su agarre. Divertida pelota para desarrollar el sentido del tacto. 

Online store with a wide selection of furniture and decor

Furniture is an invariable attribute of any room. It is they who give it the right atmosphere, making the space cozy and comfortable, creating favorable conditions for productive work or helping to relax after a hard day. More and more often, customers want to place an order in an online store, when you can sit down at the computer in your free time, arrange the furniture in the photo and calmly buy the furniture you like. The online store has a large catalog of furniture: both home and office furniture are available.

Furniture production is a modern form of art

Furniture manufacturers, as well as manufacturers of other home goods, are full of amazing offers: we often come across both standard mass-produced products and unique creations – furniture from professional craftsmen, which will be appreciated by true connoisseurs of beauty. We have selected for you the best models from modern craftsmen who managed to ingeniously combine elegance, quality and practicality in each product unit. Our assortment includes products from proven companies. Who for many years of continuous joint work did not give reason to doubt their reliability and honesty. All of them guarantee the high quality of their products, excellent operational characteristics, attractive appearance of the products, a long period of use of the furniture, as well as safety.