This book attempts to alleviate the scarcity of information on cognitive-behavioral intervention programs for children with ADHD, applicable to the school setting.
In the first part of this book you will find a list of some of the cognitive-behavioral programs designed for the treatment of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
In the second part you will have a complete and detailed manual of a cognitive-behavioral intervention program specially designed for application in the school setting for children with ADHD from 6 to 12 years of age.
This program has been designed to be applied in 30 individual and group sessions in which techniques such as:
- Self-instructional training - Self-reporting - Self-assessment of the initial situation, sessions and progress made
- Attributional training
- Positive individual and collective self-reinforcement
- Token economy and social reinforcement
- Cognitive and academic problem-solving training
- Training in discrimination of feelings
- Training in interpretation and social problem solving
- Relaxation training
- Turtle Technique
- Star of the week
- Cotherapists
- Program for generalization of learned strategies to the classroom.
The book includes a detailed description of each of the sessions with three models of worksheets and materials for their application at three different levels of difficulty, the therapist's instructions, self-evaluation and self-reinforcement sheets, a list of the materials to be used and a summary table of the sessions.
Text in Spanish.