The wooden tongue depressors of a lifetime
Wooden tongue depressor or spatula that facilitates exploration and specific speech therapy work.
Available in box of 100 units. Quantity discount.
Aprender es modificar o adquirir nuevas habilidades, destrezas, conocimientos, conductas y valores mediante la experimentación, el estudio, la observación, el razonamiento o la instrucción. Múltiples y variados juegos disponibles hoy en día, desde los más clásicos hasta los más innovadores, pueden ser grandes herramientas para construir una variedad de aprendizajes: lectoescritura, matemáticas, razonamiento y resolución de problemas, etc. aportando motivación e interés a los jugadores. Más allá de la estimulación de las inteligencias múltiples, fomentaremos la autoestima, incentivaremos la cooperación y el trabajo en equipo y mejoraremos el comportamiento y la actitud, entre otros muchos aspectos.
2,90 € (VAT not included)
Wooden tongue depressor or spatula.
In stock
Wooden tongue depressor or spatula that facilitates exploration and specific speech therapy work.
Available in box of 100 units. Quantity discount.
Departamento de asesoramiento
Departamento de formación
Wooden tongue depressor or spatula that facilitates exploration and specific speech therapy work.
Available in box of 100 units. Quantity discount. 3.51 instock OROFACIAL MYOLOGYExploration and diagnosisLips, tongue and moreSavings Packs 0 0.00 0 2171721654215982170821660 3.51 2.90 0.00 0.00 2013-11-23T09:16:15+01:00No account yet?
Create an AccountSensory game to recognize and match textures. The material consists of 8 cards with different surfaces or textures that the player will have to recognize, only by touch, to match them with other 8 photo cards containing the same texture. This resource will allow us to promote attention, concentration, memory, ... especially developing the sense of touch.
The set consists of 16 cards, 2 masks and a plastic box to protect and transport the game. 39.02 instock MULTISENSORY STIMULATIONSPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSThe 5 sensesVisual Impairment 0 0.00 0 2169321598216092163621660 39.02 32.25 0.00 0.00 2016-10-03T14:49:32+02:00Material to train the sense of touch by recognizing and identifying animal silhouettes. The game consists of 12 wooden pieces with shapes of different animals of various colors. These pieces are placed in a bag with two side openings (candy-shaped) that allow easy manual access to recognize the elements to choose. Resource of special interest to promote attention, concentration, memory, ... especially developing the sense of touch.
The set consists of 12 pieces in the form of animal silhouettes and a bag for carrying elements. 22.39 instock LEARNINGSMotor skillsMULTISENSORY STIMULATIONThe 5 sensesWood 0 0.00 0 2159821606216092089421678 22.39 18.50 0.00 0.00 2015-09-23T18:53:53+02:00El Doctor Jorge Ferré, del Instituto Médico del Desarrollo Infantil, aborda los trastornos de la atención y la hiperactividad desde nuevas perspectivas: hay que analizar y tratar al niño como una unidad indivisible. El lector encontrará en este libro las bases neurofuncionales, las causas, la sintomatología, casos clínicos, tratamientos y también valiosos cuestionarios y tablas (considerados hoy en día los mejores) que tienen en cuenta la etapa evolutiva del niño, para un correcto diagnóstico diferencial. 36.30 instock ADHDBooks 0 0.00 0 2142320894216362159121609 36.30 34.90 0.00 0.00 2014-11-26T12:16:32+01:00Game to make pairs of pieces or boxes of different textures. The material consists of 10 wooden boxes of different surfaces that the player will have to recognize, just by touch, to match them and thus promote attention, concentration, memory, ... Especially developing the sense of touch. It contains a board of 29 x 13 x 3.5 cm. so that the pieces can be placed.
Texture colors may vary. 22.87 instock 6 – 9 years9 – 12 yearsAGEAreas of DevelopmentAttention and concentration gamesCOGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENTExecutive functionsFamily gamesGAME TYPEGAMES AND TOYSMemory and attentionMemory gamesMULTISENSORY STIMULATIONSensory stimulationSensory stimulationSPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSThe 5 sensesTYPE OF TOYVisual ImpairmentWood 0 0.00 0 2161221741216362166021657 22.87 18.90 0.00 0.00 2015-06-29T12:56:20+02:00Available in packs of 250 units. The handling and packaging of the product does not guarantee all its properties. Its composition is based on water and flour.
Wafers also available in brown. 10.89 instock OROFACIAL MYOLOGYLips, tongue and moreHarmful habits and generalization 0 0.00 0 2160621609217412167521666 10.89 9.90 0.00 0.00 2013-11-23T22:44:04+01:00