Photographic material consisting of 36 cards that portray a wide and varied sample of compromising situations or behaviors that can be derived from them. The topics reflected allow to create discussions and argue opinions or points of view, which may have personal repercussions or compromise others. Material especially recommended for working on logical reasoning, narrative discourse, argumentation, etc. for children or adolescents.
Illustrating actions and outcomes, these cards can be used in the classroom or in the clinic with elementary school-aged children. The cards help reinforce the need to consider outcomes and a recognition that choices made may not only have personal consequences, but also affect others.
The oversized cards have been divided into two sections.
On the one hand, we have those that show an action and a possible consequence:
- Cheating – failing a test
- Leaving a gate in an open field – animal escapes
- Disruptive behavior in the classroom – sanctioning
And on the other hand, cards that show behavior and can be used for open discussion:
- Harassment
- Vandalism
- Helping others
The material includes the 36 cards plus a handout that provides explanations of useful starting points to generate discussion and debate.