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Creare un accountLittle Dutch's little farm, turned into a wooden magnetic labyrinth, will be an ideal game for the little ones to learn while having fun. With a magnetic pen that will allow us to pick up and transport one or more balls we will have to make the routes to go to one or another place in the orchard, the mill or the farm. For example, you can move all the blue balls to the pond and two red balls to the apple tree. On the way, you may encounter obstacles such as the spinning tractor wheel and windmill blades. Where do you want to go and take the balls?
This set belongs to the "Farm" collection of farm toys from the Little Dutch brand.
From 18 months. 15.91 instock 2 – 3 anni3 – 6 anniPER ETÀAree di SviluppoMotricità fineTIPO DI GIOCOGIOCHI E GIOCATTOLIAPRENDIMENTIMotricitàGiochi di motricitàPuzzle e giochi ad incastroTIPO DI GIOCATTOLO 0 0.00 0 2247521124212182122121114 15.91 13.15 0.00 0.00 2024-08-14T10:49:55+02:00This colorful wooden board offers children a variety of play options and activities to encourage fine motor skills. While the two cogwheels can rotate and the elements secured with elastic bands can be folded, the rotating rattle with bell provides acoustic stimulation.
By bending, turning and pulling, the activity board trains grasping and hand-eye coordination. A wooden toy that optimally promotes motor skills. Can be placed on the floor for play or held by the recessed handle. 17.00 instock 1 – 2 anni6 – 12 mesiPER ETÀMUNDO BEBÉComprensione causa-effettoMotricità fineTIPO DI GIOCOGIOCHI E GIOCATTOLIGiochi di motricitàStimolazione MotoriaTIPO DI GIOCATTOLO 0 0.00 0 2241421072211112121822475 17.00 14.05 0.00 0.00 2024-05-28T10:56:36+02:00These wooden blocks are a must-have. The bucket contains about 50 beautifully patterned wooden blocks from our Little Farm collection. Stack the different blocks to build the cutest farm - the blocks guarantee lots of building pleasure and can be easily stored in the barrel!
These natural wood blocks allow you to create infinite constructions for small architects. Their classic design, combined with trendy pastel colors, makes them both resistant and visually attractive. They are also ideal for promoting fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination while encouraging balance and imagination. 20.99 instock 2 – 3 anni3 – 6 anniPER ETÀCostruzioniGiochi di costruzione e manipolazioneTIPO DI GIOCOGIOCHI E GIOCATTOLIAngoli di ApprendimentoGiochi di motricitàTIPO DI GIOCATTOLO 0 0.00 0 2111121063223352111421218 20.99 17.35 0.00 0.00 2024-10-03T10:41:38+02:00With our fun fishing game, with all its squishy elements, your little one will be happy as a fish in water. Watch his fine motor skills develop as he uses a magnetic fishing rod to catch different creatures and counts how many he's caught this time.
100% polyester 31.16 instock 1 – 2 anni2 – 3 anniPER ETÀMUNDO BEBÉBagno e IgieneGiochi da bagnoGiochi da bagnoTIPO DI GIOCOGIOCHI E GIOCATTOLIGiochi di motricitàTIPO DI GIOCATTOLO 0 0.00 0 2111422275212182238022395 31.16 25.75 0.00 0.00 2024-09-30T09:59:23+02:00The magnetic lectern "I learn colors" is a perfect educational resource for children to discover and recognize colors in a fun way. Thanks to its large magnetic discs, adapted to small hands, children will be able to complete drawings and create their own compositions on the blackboard base, stimulating their creativity, visual-motor coordination and chromatic recognition. An ideal game for the early development of cognitive and motor skills, turning learning into a fun and interactive experience.
In HABA Rogue Miners, players become brave miners who must extract valuable gemstones with a wooden hammer without the cave collapsing. But it won't be that easy... precision and strategy will be key to get the treasures without losing them in the attempt!
With the help of the hammer, players must carefully extract the gems from the cave according to the task cards. Concentration, fine motor skills and strategy will be essential to become the best treasure hunter. In addition, a professional variant with a colored die is included to add an extra challenge for more experienced players.
(*) This product includes CE marking in accordance with European Union legislation. 16.94 instock 1 – 2 anni2 – 3 anni3 – 6 anniPER ETÀMUNDO BEBÉCostruzioniGiochi di costruzione e manipolazioneRISORSE EDUCATIVETIPO DI GIOCOGIOCHI E GIOCATTOLIAngoli di ApprendimentoGiochi di motricitàI miei primi giocattoliRegali e Dettagli OriginaliTIPO DI GIOCATTOLO 0 0.00 0 2112421221223802097321111 16.94 14.00 0.00 0.00 2024-04-26T10:37:17+02:00Discover our Basic Speech Therapy Kit for ASDwith essential resources for their linguistic development and growth. The different materials that make up this kit (briefcase "Teach me to speak 2", 2 stories with pictograms, social skills notebook and another with double meaning phrases and behavioral notebook), will not only allow you to establish communication skills and optimize pragmatic aspects with your patients, students or children, but will also provide you with behavioral management strategies to manage their behavior on a daily basis. The different stories with pictograms will allow us to help those children with more difficulties, going through activities of comprehension and expression of oral language, until reaching the mentalistic, pragmatic and management and interpretation of emotions so necessary in these cases of older children.
Specifically, with this kit you will be able to:
✔ Encourage and facilitate reading comprehension.
✔ Develop cognitive and comprehension skills.
✔ Teach how to control feelings and impulses.
Composed of:
- Briefcase to create linguistic structures and promote reading comprehension.
- 2 Stories with pictograms to facilitate access to reading and writing.
- Notebook to work on their social skills.
- Notebook to improve the comprehension of sentences with double meaning.
- Notebook to become aware of behavior and its consequences.
If you don't have it yet, don't hesitate, it will be of great help with ASD cases and many more! 109.81 instock ESIGENZE EDUCATIVE SPECIALIDisturbo dello spettro autistico 0 0.00 0 2238722395224142110522335 109.81 90.75 0.00 0.00 2022-08-08T11:56:49+02:00Game to make pairs of pieces or boxes of different textures. The material consists of 10 wooden boxes of different surfaces that the player will have to recognize, just by touch, to match them and thus promote attention, concentration, memory, ... Especially developing the sense of touch. It contains a board of 29 x 13 x 3.5 cm. so that the pieces can be placed.
Texture colors may vary. 22.87 instock GIOCHI E GIOCATTOLITIPO DI GIOCATTOLOStimolazione sensorialePER ETÀ6 – 9 anni9 – 12 anniIn famigliaTIPO DI GIOCOGiochi di attenzione e concentrazioneGiochi di memoriaAree di SviluppoStimolazione sensorialeMemoria e attenzioneSTIMOLAZIONE MULTISENSORIALEI 5 sensiESIGENZE EDUCATIVE SPECIALIDisabilità visivaSVILUPPO COGNITIVO ED EMOTIVOFunzioni esecutiveLegna 0 0.00 0 2135021063222812238022376 22.87 18.90 0.00 0.00 2015-06-29T12:56:20+02:00Senzeez vibrating cushions are a wonderful resource to calm and relax both children and teenagers. The sensation generated by their vibration when pressed or when sitting down helps to relax and to stay seated in the chair for a longer time during meals, when doing school work, etc. Thus, it is an especially interesting resource for people with attention and concentration difficulties, with anxiety, with difficulty to finish a task sitting, with sensory deficit or hypersensitivity, with autism, etc. or many other special educational needs.
The sweatshirt model is an attractive design for teenagers and adults. 51.91 instock TDAHDisturbo dello spettro autisticoSTIMOLAZIONE MULTISENSORIALEESIGENZE EDUCATIVE SPECIALICuscini vibranti 0 0.00 0 2110522414211142110821350 51.91 42.90 0.00 0.00 2017-05-04T16:50:01+02:00El material consiste en 20 fichas de distintas formas, colores y tamaños: 2 formas, cuadrados y círculos, y estos a su vez tienen 2 tamaños, grandes y pequeños, y 5 colores. Y el paciente debe señalar o manipular conforme a las órdenes del examinador. La finalidad de este test es la de evaluar la capacidad del paciente para comprender el nombre (circulo y cuadrado, color y tamaño), los verbos y las preposiciones incluidos en las instrucciones.
Antes de administrar el test hay que asegurarse que el niño o niña sabe lo que es un círculo y un cuadrado, que sabe y distingue los colores y tiene el concepto de grande y pequeño. Esta técnica es sensible para detectar procesos lingüísticos alterados que resultan de trastornos afásicos, incluso cuando la capacidad básica del paciente para comunicarse permanece intacta. Este test también puede identificar a aquellos individuos con lesión cerebral, cuyas otras disfunciones pueden estar escondidas o enmascarando un trastorno afásico concomitante; o cuyos problemas para el procesamiento de símbolos sean comparativamente sutiles y no fácilmente observables en la mayoría de las situaciones
El Test de Comprensión de Estructuras Gramaticales, CEG, es un instrumento diseñado para evaluar la comprensión gramatical correspondiente a los niños de 4 a 11 años de edad. Se atiene al paradigma de elección múltiple, consistente en elegir entre cuatro dibujos el que corresponde a la oración leída por el examinador. No requiere ningún tipo de respuesta verbal, por lo que es aplicable en los casos en los que el desarrollo del lenguaje expresivo esté afectado de forma importante.
De rápida y sencilla aplicación y corrección, el CEG permite tanto una interpretación cuantitativa mediante el recuento de elementos acertados, a la vez que una valoración cualitativa derivada del análisis de los modelos de error y de la elección de distractores.
Constituye un marco de referencia para psicólogos, logopedas e investigadores del lenguaje infantil interesados tanto en la evaluación del desarrollo normal del lenguaje como en la comprensión de los trastornos que afectan a este desarrollo, pero también casos de afasia, TDL (antes TEL), trastornos de aprendizaje, deficiencias auditivas, etc.
Incluye Manual, 25 Hojas de respuestas autocorregibles, Cuaderno de láminas. 143.62 instock TESTS 0 0.00 0 2106021922211022239521350 143.62 138.10 0.00 0.00 2022-10-10T17:52:17+02:00Beautiful wooden 3D squares, made of solid beech, in the seven colors of the rainbow, ideal for construction and imaginative play. An exceptional resource that gives us infinite possibilities: build towers, design rooms, place outdoors and recreate small worlds with dolls or animals, develop mathematical logic games, classify by color or size, impact on their concepts using mathematical terms (bigger, smaller, taller, wider, etc.). Timeless game that will help us to expand vocabulary and improve language skills through the description of their activities in action.
Heights: 40mm, 58mm, 76mm, 94mm, 112mm, 130mm and 148mm. Wall thickness: 8mm x width 40mm. It allows to promote the following learning areas:Since its first publication in 1967, the Renfrew Action Picture Test has been an assessment tool used by many professionals involved in the speech and language development of children between 3.0 and 8.5 years of age.
Widely used by speech therapists, among other professionals, the test covers words used to convey information (i.e. nouns, verbs, prepositions); present, past and future tenses; irregular forms of plural and past tenses; simple and complex sentence construction; and passive voice. The test provides an information and grammar score that can be compared with the UK school population.
This fifth edition has been completely updated, including revised scoring guidelines, modernized imaging and, through an extensive national program, completely re-standardized for a modern school population, making RAPT a reliable front-line tool in speech and language assessment.
Designed for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under adult supervision.
Table of Contents
10 illustrated cards depicting a variety of everyday scenarios.
Instruction leaflet providing guidance on administration.
Scoring guides.
Scoring form. 72.70 instock LINGUAGGIOMorfologia e sintassiDiscorso narrativoTESTS 0 0.00 0 2241422387210602238020973 72.70 69.90 0.00 0.00 2021-01-26T09:18:07+01:00Senzeez vibrating cushions are a wonderful resource to calm and relax both children and teenagers. The sensation generated by their vibration when pressed or when sitting down helps to stay seated in the chair for a longer time during meals, when doing school work, etc. Thus, it is an especially interesting resource for people with attention and concentration difficulties, with anxiety, with difficulty to finish a task sitting, with sensory deficit or hypersensitivity, with autism, etc. or many other special educational needs.
Its attractive soccer ball design is an irresistible attraction for sports enthusiasts. 42.89 instock GIOCHI E GIOCATTOLITIPO DI GIOCATTOLOStimolazione sensorialePER ETÀ3 – 6 anni6 – 9 anni9 – 12 anniAnche per adultiAree di SviluppoStimolazione sensorialeAngoli di ApprendimentoMultisensorialeSTIMOLAZIONE MULTISENSORIALECuscini vibrantiESIGENZE EDUCATIVE SPECIALIDisturbo dello spettro autisticoTDAH 0 0.00 0 2247522414210722110222380 42.89 35.45 0.00 0.00 2017-05-04T17:49:04+02:00La tercera versión del PEABODY, una de las pruebas de más referencia para la evaluación de aspectos verbales, recoge las investigaciones y mejoras acumuladas durante 50 años para conseguir un instrumento de gran precisión.
Peabody tiene dos finalidades: evaluar el nivel de vocabulario receptivo y hacer una detección rápida de dificultades o screening de la aptitud verbal.
Con un amplio rango de aplicación que va desde los 2 años y medio a los 90 años, contiene 192 láminas con cuatro dibujos cada una en las que el sujeto debe indicar qué ilustración representa mejor el significado de una palabra dada por el examinador. Existen diferentes criterios de comienzo y terminación en función de la edad y el número de errores cometidos, lo que hace que generalmente no supere los 15 minutos de sesión.
El proceso de construcción de la prueba, basado en la Teoría de Respuesta al ítem, asegura que únicamente se aplican los elementos adecuados al nivel aptitudinal del examinando. La adaptación española ha contado con una muestra representativa superior a los 2.500 sujetos.
Contiene el manual, 25 Hojas de anotación y cuaderno de estímulos. 154.96 instock TESTS 0 0.00 0 2135020973211242110821221 154.96 149.00 0.00 0.00 2025-01-08T17:21:24+01:00